RUTH states in her deposition that she was age 75 in 1840 (thus born 1765), and that she came to the "Falls of the Ohio" i.e. Louisville, Kentucky in 1780 with her father's family.
JAMES WHITECOTTON, then age 90, states in his deposition for MARY MILES application that he was a soldier in Kaskaskia, Illinois in 1780. He also appears in tax & census records in Hampshire County Virginia until 1792.
There is no indication whatsoever that RUTH's family ever lived in Hampshire Co Virginia. Clearly they married after he moved to Kentucky after 1792. Their first son JAMES HENRY WHITECOTTON was born Dec 13, 1795 in Washington County Kentucky.
JAMES WHITECOTTON's oldest eight children were born 1771-1788 in Hampshire County Virginia. Since RUTH was born 1765, she could not have been the mother of at least five of them, as she would have been far too young to bear children.
Here is a transcription of the original documents, which are available on the website Fold3.
State of Kentucky, Marion County Crt;
The affidavit of RUTH WHITECOTTON, wife of JAMES WHITECOTTON, taken at her own house this 23rd day of January, 1840 before the undersigned, justice of peace for Marion County. And being first duly sworn, states that she is 75 years old. That she came to the Falls of the Ohio River in the spring of 1780. That she was then well acquainted with MARY HARRISON, who married MICHAEL MILES, and who is the same person named in the foregoing resolution and declaration for a pension. Signed by her. That she was not at the wedding of said MARY, though the morning after she understood they were married, and that she knows that they lived together afterward as man and wife. She always understood that MICHAEL MILES was an officer in the army of the Revolution. She thinks the marriage took place in the later part of 1781 or first of 1782. She is acquainted with said MARY, and states that said MARY has remained a widow ever since the death of MICHAEL MILES which she understood took place about 45 years ago. She also states that MARY is a woman of (illegible) RUTH WHITECOTTON, WILSON EDMONDSON, J P
The Deposition of Mrs RUTH WHITECOTTON, resident of Marion County, taken this 17th day of August, 1840 to (be) used as evidence in favor of the application of Mrs MARY MILES for a pension.
Deponent being seventy five years old, deposeth & saith that she in company with her father’s family moved to the Falls of Ohio, now Louisville, Kentucky in the spring of seventeen hundred & eighty. Some ten or twelve days thereafter, the THOMAS HARRISON family landed at the same place, and the deponent on their arrival became acquainted with MARY HARRISON now MARY MILES, the present applicant. Some time during the year seventeen hundred and eighty one, the Deponent became acquainted with MICHAEL MILES who then belonged to the army and was courting MARY HARRISON. And the said MICHAEL MILES and the said MARY HARRISON were married in the latter part of the year seventeen hundred and eighty one or the forepart of the winter of seventeen hundred and eighty two. The Deponent was not at the wedding, but heard that she was to be married and the next morning after their marriage heard they were married, for the deponent was still at the said Falls of Ohio. Deponent further saith that she understood MICHAEL MILES died about forty years ago, and that the said MARY MILES who lives but a few miles from the Deponent, has remained a widow ever since. And further saith not. RUTH X WHITECOTTON her mark
State of Kentucky, Marion County; the above deposition was this day sworn to and subscribed by Mrs RUTH WHITECOTTON before me the undersigned Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid. And I certify that the said RUTH WHITECOTTON is a woman of good moral character and a person of truth & veracity. Given under my hand the day & year above written. WILSON EDMONDSON JP
The Deposition of JAMES WHITECOTTON a resident of Marion County taken this 17th day of August 1840 to be used as evidence in the application of Mrs MARY MILES for a pension. Deponent being ninety years old deposeth & saith that he belonged to General GEORGE ROGERS CLARK’s Regiment and was at the taking of Kaskaskia, and while at said place he became acquainted with MICHAEL MILES who was acting at that time as sergeant major in the Regiment commanded by Col JOHN MONTGOMERY, under General CLARK. Shortly after this acquaintance the said MICHAEL MILES was sent off with other troops, and the Deponent thinks to the Falls of Ohio, and the deponent did not recollect seeing the said MILES anymore during the Revolutionary War. The deponent recollects hearing that the said MICHAEL MILES was married to MARY HARRISON but what time the marriage took place, the deponent cannot say. The deponent heard of MILES death, and has been acquainted with MARY MILES, the widow of said MICHAEL MILES for about forty years, and known she has continued a widow ever since the death of said MICHAEL to the present (illegible). JAMES WHITECOTTON
State of Kentucky, Marion County; The above deposition was this sworn to and subscribed by JAMES WHITECOTTON before me the undersigned Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid, and certify that the said JAMES WHITECOTTON is a man of truth & veracity. Given under my hand this day and year first above written WILSON EDMONDSON JP
NOTE: Wilson Edmondson’s brother WILLIAM EDMONDSON married CATHERINE WHITECOTTON, daughter of JAMES WHITECOTTON & his unknown first wife
Have a great day!
© Betty Tartas 2014