Monday, December 4, 2017

The Faces of my DNA

Over the last two weeks I have been  playing with the website DNA Painter , which was created by Jonny Perl. According to the website "DNA Painter is a simple web-based tool allowing you to 'paint' segments of your DNA according to the ancestors you inherited them from, and to track your DNA matches visually". 

I have to say, this website is amazing, and has helped me immensely!  I have been keeping a DNA match "master list" for many years,  but have found that even when I mark maternal / paternal triangulation groups in the list, it's been difficult to visualize them.   With this website, and the ability to visualize the segment data, I have been able to pin down some of the individuals who were actually the sources of my DNA.

It is well known that your genetic family tree will not include all the ancestors in your genealogical family tree.  Because of the process of recombination, many ancestors will be winnowed out of your genetic mix, and will not be  the source of your DNA. And of course, each sibling in a family will receive a slightly different genetic mix. 

But here are the faces of some of the people who actually were the sources of my DNA!

My paternal great grandfather, the son of ELIJAH HUBER & CATHERINE SHRIVER. He abandoned my great grandmother CAROLINE AMELIA "CRAMELIA" FRAZIER & her children in Iowa in 1882, and  started a second family in Nashville, Tennessee (see my post about how I discovered his story). I am matching several descendants from this second family, and PHILLIP is our only shared ancestor. So it was fairly easy to pinpoint which DNA came from him!


I definitely received DNA from my Quaker paternal great grandmother CRAMELIA & her father ELI b 1826, as well as from her grandfather HENRY FRAZER b 1793, her great grandfather ISAAC FRAZIER b 1763 & her gg grandfather THOMAS (aka GEORGE THOMAS) FRAZIER b 1725.  The only wife from this family group who was a DNA provider for me, so far as I've discovered, is my great x 3 grandmother MARY POLLY OTWELL, wife of HENRY FRAZER.


My maternal great grandfather CHARLES ALBERT MARTINE and his mother, my great great grandmother MARY ANN SCOFIELD, are two more who have given me a significant chunk of DNA.  MARY ANN's family had deep roots in the original settlement of Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, and I fully expect to find even more DNA matches to her branch of the family.

MARIETTA (KENNEDY) BROWN and her KENNEDY & RINES family from Nova Scotia, Canada

Maternal great grandmother MARIETTA (MARY ETTA) KENNEDY, was the daughter of THOMAS KENNEDY b 1830 Windsor, Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canada & SARAH JANE BOLTON of Portland, Maine.  So far, I have received few DNA matches to the Massachusetts BROWN or BOLTON family, but several matches to THOMAS' parents, JOHN KENNEDY b 1784 & ELIZABETH RINES of Maitland & Windsor, Hants County, Nova Scotia and Lubec, Washington County, Maine;  as well as to ELIZABETH RINES' parents, JOHN RINES II b April 10, 1766 Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada & ELIZABETH McDONALD b June 24, 1788 N. Ireland or Hants County, Nova Scotia.

On my master list of DNA matches, there are over a hundred matches to people now living in Canada, but I have not been able to connect them to the KENNEDY/RINES family of Hants County, Nova Scotia.


My great great grandmother CORDELIA HICKS RICKARD, the daughter of RICHARD RICKARD & CORDELIA HICKS,  was born 1829 Kenwyn Parish, Cornwall,  England and died January 23, 1875 in Sacramento, California.  She emigrated to the United States with her widowed mother & some of her siblings in July 1845. Several other siblings remained in Cornwall.  I have several DNA matches to descendants of CORDELIA's paternal grandparents,   WILLIAM RICKARD b 1743 & JOANNA VARLEY b Sep 4, 1748, and a few to JOANNA VARLEY's father JOSEPH VARLEY b 1720, all of Cornwall, England. 

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017