Saturday, August 31, 2024

My Great Grandparents FRANK R BROWN & MARY ETTA KENNEDY An Archive of Photos from the Apollo Mine, Unga Island Alaska PART THREE

Here is a continuation of my archive of photos from the Apollo Mine, Unga Island, Alaska. This part of the collection is circa 1894-1900.  Some originals are in my possession; others were only recently shared by relatives.

The front porch of the Mine Superintendant's residence, Apollo Mine, Unga Island Alaska circa abt 1896.

Left to Right: possibly CHARLES ARTEMUS FLETCHER  seated on railing, great grandfather FRANK R BROWN, grandmother RUBY BROWN age about 4 yrs, holding his hand; great grandmother MARY ETTA KENNEDY BROWN leaning in doorway; seated on steps: unknown man, GENEVIEVE BROWN age about 2 yrs (holding basket), and Mrs KATHERINE (Root)  FLETCHER who served as the school teacher for the children of the workers at the Apollo mine

An Aleut barabara (sod house) on Unga Island

Left to Right: Mrs KATHERINE (Root) FLETCHER, my grandmother RUBY age about 12, CHARLIE (Charles Arnold) FLETCHER, CHARLES ARTEMUS FLETCHER , and Ruby's uncle from California,  WW "Billy" HAWTHORNE (my collection)

The Apollo Gold Mine and the Mine Superintendant's residence, circa about 1900. 

The Village of Unalaska in the Aleutian Islands, circa 1900. This is where grandma RUBY's sister GLADYS BROWN was born July 18, 1889.  RUBY was born in Alameda, California July 17, 1892; the youngest sister GENEVIEVE  BROWN was born March 1894 on Unga Island. The family had just moved into the Mine Superintendant's residence adjacent to the Apollo Mine.

US Marshall's Residence, Unga, Alaska

US Commisioner's Office, Unga Alaska circa 1914. 
Men not identified.

Staff of the Delaroff Development Company, July 1914,  on the porch of the Mine Superintendant's House at the Apollo Mine, Unga, Alaska. 
Great Grandfather FRANK R BROWN bottom row, left.
This is the same porch as the first photo in this blogpost!

Have a great day!

Betty Tartas

© Betty Tartas  2024

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

My Great Grandparents FRANK R BROWN & MARY ETTA KENNEDY: An Archive of Photos from the Apollo Mine, Unga Island, Alaska PART TWO

 Here is a continuation of my archive of photos from the Apollo Mine, Unga Island, Alaska. This part of the collection is circa 1904-1920s. Some originals are in my possession, but some are copies of postcards.

Tea Party, Mine Superintendant's house, before 1904. Participants identified on back of photo, left to right: Mrs Otto Carlson,  Mrs Hastings, Mrs George Mahon Sr,  Mrs Kyle the doctor's wife; Mrs George Mahon Jr; standing behind: my great grandmother MARY ETTA KENNEDY BROWN, and sitting in front, Mabel Hawthorne Cowell, MARY ETTA' s niece from California.  My grandmother RUBY grew up in this house.

 The Apollo & Sitka Mines, circa 1905; postcard, photo possibly by Thwaites? The large white house on left was the mine Superintendent's house.

Village of Unga, on Delaroff Harbor. postcard, photo by Thwaites.

The Steamship "DORA" which brought mail & supplies to Unga Island and many other ports on the Westward Run.  John E Thwaites worked on board and took hundreds of photographs of Alaska and its inhabitants. My great grandparents & grandparents knew him. My grandparents, RUBY BOLTON BROWN & R B MARTINE,  who was working as an appraiser, first met on board the "DORA" in 1913. They were married in California in 1915. In my collection, source unknown.

Schooner "Alice" owned by Pete Larsen.  Thwaites postcard, copy of original. 1905-1910

Delaroff Development Company 1914. FRANK R BROWN (standing far right) and partners leased the Apollo Mine in order to work the tailings. While the endeavor looked promising for a few years, the company had difficulty finding male workers in 1917 because of WWI, and they went out of business. Others in photo are unidentified. Original in my collection

Picnic on Agate Beach, Unga Island, 1917. FRANK R BROWN on far left; all others are unidentified. Original in my collection.

The Sloop "GLADYS", owned by Capt ZIMERO MOORE. In 1913, my grandmother RUBY sailed with Capt MOORE, a Mr PARR and her father FRANK R BROWN on a cruise along the Alaska Peninsula. The men were prospecting and conducting cyanide tests. It was the last time my grandmother ever visited Unga Island, as she was married in 1915.

This is the last photo I have of great grandfather FRANK R BROWN, late in life,  at the Apollo Mine on Unga Island. I believe it was taken in the late 1920s or early 1930s.  I do have other photos taken in Seattle and California, but no others in Alaska.


Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2024