Monday, December 4, 2017

The Faces of my DNA

Over the last two weeks I have been  playing with the website DNA Painter , which was created by Jonny Perl. According to the website "DNA Painter is a simple web-based tool allowing you to 'paint' segments of your DNA according to the ancestors you inherited them from, and to track your DNA matches visually". 

I have to say, this website is amazing, and has helped me immensely!  I have been keeping a DNA match "master list" for many years,  but have found that even when I mark maternal / paternal triangulation groups in the list, it's been difficult to visualize them.   With this website, and the ability to visualize the segment data, I have been able to pin down some of the individuals who were actually the sources of my DNA.

It is well known that your genetic family tree will not include all the ancestors in your genealogical family tree.  Because of the process of recombination, many ancestors will be winnowed out of your genetic mix, and will not be  the source of your DNA. And of course, each sibling in a family will receive a slightly different genetic mix. 

But here are the faces of some of the people who actually were the sources of my DNA!

My paternal great grandfather, the son of ELIJAH HUBER & CATHERINE SHRIVER. He abandoned my great grandmother CAROLINE AMELIA "CRAMELIA" FRAZIER & her children in Iowa in 1882, and  started a second family in Nashville, Tennessee (see my post about how I discovered his story). I am matching several descendants from this second family, and PHILLIP is our only shared ancestor. So it was fairly easy to pinpoint which DNA came from him!


I definitely received DNA from my Quaker paternal great grandmother CRAMELIA & her father ELI b 1826, as well as from her grandfather HENRY FRAZER b 1793, her great grandfather ISAAC FRAZIER b 1763 & her gg grandfather THOMAS (aka GEORGE THOMAS) FRAZIER b 1725.  The only wife from this family group who was a DNA provider for me, so far as I've discovered, is my great x 3 grandmother MARY POLLY OTWELL, wife of HENRY FRAZER.


My maternal great grandfather CHARLES ALBERT MARTINE and his mother, my great great grandmother MARY ANN SCOFIELD, are two more who have given me a significant chunk of DNA.  MARY ANN's family had deep roots in the original settlement of Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, and I fully expect to find even more DNA matches to her branch of the family.

MARIETTA (KENNEDY) BROWN and her KENNEDY & RINES family from Nova Scotia, Canada

Maternal great grandmother MARIETTA (MARY ETTA) KENNEDY, was the daughter of THOMAS KENNEDY b 1830 Windsor, Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canada & SARAH JANE BOLTON of Portland, Maine.  So far, I have received few DNA matches to the Massachusetts BROWN or BOLTON family, but several matches to THOMAS' parents, JOHN KENNEDY b 1784 & ELIZABETH RINES of Maitland & Windsor, Hants County, Nova Scotia and Lubec, Washington County, Maine;  as well as to ELIZABETH RINES' parents, JOHN RINES II b April 10, 1766 Maitland, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada & ELIZABETH McDONALD b June 24, 1788 N. Ireland or Hants County, Nova Scotia.

On my master list of DNA matches, there are over a hundred matches to people now living in Canada, but I have not been able to connect them to the KENNEDY/RINES family of Hants County, Nova Scotia.


My great great grandmother CORDELIA HICKS RICKARD, the daughter of RICHARD RICKARD & CORDELIA HICKS,  was born 1829 Kenwyn Parish, Cornwall,  England and died January 23, 1875 in Sacramento, California.  She emigrated to the United States with her widowed mother & some of her siblings in July 1845. Several other siblings remained in Cornwall.  I have several DNA matches to descendants of CORDELIA's paternal grandparents,   WILLIAM RICKARD b 1743 & JOANNA VARLEY b Sep 4, 1748, and a few to JOANNA VARLEY's father JOSEPH VARLEY b 1720, all of Cornwall, England. 

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

OLIVER CAMPBELL Born 1744, Loyalist, of Adolphustown, Kingston & Cramahe Township, Ontario, Canada

The Loyalist Inn, located on Oliver Campbell's 1802 Original Land Grant in Kingston, Ontario

First of all, you should know that there never was a person named "ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL"  from New York who was a Loyalist & fled to Canada in 1783-1796, according to actual records of Loyalist migrations.

The "ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL" found in numerous family trees is the result of researchers blending two different families, one being the family of my great x 4 grandfather ALBERT CAMPBELL born 1748 from Orange/Rockland county New York (see my previous posts), the other the Loyalist family which eventually settled in Cramahe township, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada.

The man who was a Loyalist was actually named OLIVER CAMPBELL, born about 1744 in New York. According to several websites I found, he fought for the British during the Revolutionary War.

So clearly, OLIVER CAMPBELL could not be the same person as ALBERT CAMPBELL, because ALBERT never fought for the British.  Like all of his brothers & brothers-in-law, ALBERT fought in the 2nd Regiment, Orange County New York Militia, under Capt Jacob Onderdonk (see "New York in the Revolution" by Bethold Fernow).  The Campbells, Smiths & Van Houtens were definitely NOT Loyalists, and fully supported the Revolution.

So who was OLIVER CAMPBELL? When did he arrive in Canada? There are records which indicate he settled first at Adolphustown, date unknown, but shortly after 1784:

The muster of Loyalists under Grass and Van Alstine at Kingston and Adolphustown in October of 1784 is unfortunately late....None of the late people and their famlies can be found in the Lists at New York or Quebec but many had been registered as Associated Loyalists on the U.E. List (established in 1789 to honour Loyalists families and adherents.) In Kingston they include Benjamin Babcock, James Dawson, Andrew Denych, Andrew Ten Eyck, James Hawley, Jerimah Lap, Bensley Peters, Francis Powley and Arthur Yeomans. 

In Adolphustown the late Associated Loyalists include Oliver Campbell, William Casey, John and James Canniff, William Griffith, Obadiah Simpson, Michael Sloot, Peter Wanamaker and Henry Ridner. I have not included these names under the Lists of Grass and Van Alstine and their story has not yet been told. [Turner, Larry, Voyage of a Different Kind: The Associated Loyalists of Kingston and Adolphustown, p. 122]

There is a notation in the database "Loyalists & Land Settlement in Nova Scotia" shows  a man called OLIVER CAMPBELL was given land in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1785. Was this the same man?

The United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada website indicates that OLIVER CAMPBELL was born 1744, has been proven as a Loyalist, and settled first at Adolphustown, then in Cramahe township, Northumberland, Ontario. His sons WILLIAM CAMPBELL, STEPHEN CAMPBELL & JOHN CAMPBELL appear in these locations also.

Some sources indicate there was another son CORNELIUS CAMPBELL, but so far I have found few records for him, and one source actually shows him emigrating to Canada in 1843 (?), long after OLIVER & his other sons settled in Cramahe township.

A newspaper article from 2001 indicates that OLIVER CAMPBELL was given a land grant of 300 acres in Kingston for his loyalty to the crown, granted May 17, 1802, but that the Campbell family did not remain in that area for long.

A list of settlers in Cramahe Township in 1797 shows OLIVER CAMPBELL, WILLIAM CAMPBELL & JOHN CAMPBELL acquiring lots adjacent to each other.

OLIVER CAMPBELL is on a tax list for 1805 Cramahe Township.

According to many family trees & some Loyalist records, OLIVER CAMPBELL was married to CATHERINE STEPHENS--not CATHARINA VAN HOUTEN of Orange Co NY, who married ALBERT CAMPBELL.

I look forward to further researching OLIVER CAMPBELL who apparently died Nov 11, 1805  in Cramahe Township, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada.  His story must be an interesting one.  But it is not the same story as my great x 4 grandfather ALBERT CAMPBELL, who was a Patriot--not a Loyalist.

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017

The will of WILLIAM CAMPBELL II of Clarkstown, Rockland Co New York Written Aug 12 1794, Probated Jan 4, 1799

Here is a scanned copy of the original will of WILLIAM CAMPBELL II of Clarkstown, Rockland Co New York, written Aug 12, 1794, probated Jan 4, 1799.

ISAAC MARTINE, one of the witnesses, was my great x 4 grandfather, husband of GEERTJE "CHARITY" CAMPBELL, who was the granddaughter of WILLIAM CAMPBELL II. 



Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

ALBERT CAMPBELL 1748 Orange/Rockland Co New York was NOT the Same Person as ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL, Loyalist, of Nova Scotia & Ontario, Canada

UPDATED 8/17/17

Sometimes, in genealogy, sparse records lead people to make assumptions & jump to incorrect conclusions.

This has been the case with my great x 5 grandfather, ALBERT CAMPBELL, born about 1748 in or near Clarkstown, Orange Co (Rockland Co by 1798) New York.

ALBERT was the son of WILLIAM CAMPBELL II and his wife GEERTJE STEPHENSEN of Clarkstown.  He married in Orange Co New York, in about 1772, CATHARINA/CATHERINE VAN HOUTEN, the daughter of JOHANNES ROELOFSE VAN HOUTEN & CATHARINA LEPPER.

A few years back, I was contacted by a researcher who was certain that my ancestor ALBERT CAMPBELL was the same person as his ancestor ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL who was a Loyalist and left for Nova Scotia Canada in July 1783 from New York City, settling May 2, 1784 in Shelburne,  then migrated to Kingston, Ontario, Canada in 1796.
(**UPDATED Note 8/17/17: This timeline of settlement is apparently incorrect, according to the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada website, which shows that OLIVER CAMPBELL has been proven a Loyalist,  lived in Adophustown, Ontario sometime around 1784, then Cramahe township, Northumberland, Ontario by 1797. He had a land grant of 300 acres in Kingston in 1802. See my subsequent post on OLIVER CAMPBELL)

I was not so certain. I looked at all the records I could find, and came to the conclusion that ALBERT CAMPBELL of Orange/Rockland Co New York and ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL, Loyalist, were absolutely NOT the same person.  In the end, we had to "agree to disagree", and that was the end of it, or so I thought.....

Unfortunately, as of this date,  on public trees, I have found 64 people who have copied this error.

Here is why ALBERT CAMPBELL of Orange/Rockland Co New York could not be same person as ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL the Loyalist:

1) ALBERT CAMPBELL fought in the Revolutionary War, 2nd Regiment Orange Co New York Militia, under Capt JACOB ONDERDONK.

Also in the same regiment were ALBERT's brothers:
LUCAS/LUKE CAMPBELL, as well as his brothers-in-law:
JOHANNES VAN HOUTEN (b July 17, 1750 brother of CATHARINA),

According to historical sources, there were many Loyalist families in Orange/Rockland Co New York, in the vicinity of what is now Clarkstown, but clearly the CAMPBELLs & the VAN HOUTENs were committed to the rebellion.

2) ALBERT CAMPBELL still lived in Orange (later Rockland) Co New York in 1790.  He is listed on the 1790 census, Haverstraw, Orange Co, New York, living adjacent to his father WILLIAM CAMPBELL II, and brothers STEPHEN CAMPBELL, WILLIAM CAMPBELL III, and LUCAS/LUKE CAMPBELL.

Here is the census image, showing the father & sons all living in close proximity, upper left of image.

Therefore, if ALBERT CAMPBELL was living in Haverstraw, Orange Co New York (Clarkstown & Rockland Co had not yet been formed from Haverstraw), he could not be the same person as ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL, Loyalist.

(**UPDATED Note 8/17/17: According to many sources, Loyalists were reviled and considered traitors. They had their land & belonging confiscated and were summarily kicked out of their communities at the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783-1784.  None of this happened to ALBERT CAMPBELL. Census & Baptism records show that he was still living in the same community in Orange/Rockland Co New York over a decade after the war ended in 1783. )


ALBERT CAMPBELL & CATHARINA VAN HOUTEN of Orange/ Rockland Co NY had the following children, as per the records of the Tappan/Clarkstown Dutch Reformed Church, Orange (later Rockland) Co New York:

--JOHANNES CAMPBELL b Jan 25, 1773 Tappan/Clarkstown DRC, Orange Co NY
(no further info)

--GEERTJE "CHARITY" CAMPBELL b Jan 17 1776 Tappan/Clarkstown DRC Orange Co NY (married ISAAC MARTINE; lived New York City by 1808, Spencerport Monroe Co NY by 1840, died Spencerport in 1850)

--JOHN CAMPBELL  b April 6 1778 Tappan/Clarkstown DRC Orange Co NY (no further info)

--CATHARINA/CATRINA/CATHERINE CAMPBELL b Aug 22, 1788 Tappan/Clarkstown DRC Orange Co New York (no further info)

--CORNELIUS CAMPBELL b Aug 16, 1791 Tappan/Clarkstown DRC Orange Co New York (no further info)

Clearly, if ALBERT CAMPBELL & his wife were Loyalists who fled to Shelburne, Nova Scotia in 1784, they would NOT be coming back & forth across the border to have their children baptized at the Dutch Reformed Church in Tappan/Clarkstown in 1788 and 1791!!

And just for  comparison, here are the children of ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL & unknown wife, from various online trees:

--JOHANNES WILLIAM CAMPBELL b Dec 25, 1773 (?) New York m HARRIET SCRIBNER, died Canada
(Note that the Michigan death certificate for his daughter MARY shows his name as WILLIAM CAMPBELL **not** "JOHANNES WILLIAM")

--STEPHEN CAMPBELL b 1780 New York m ACHSAH unknown died Canada

--LUCY CAMPBELL b 1788 New York died Canada

--PLUS all of the children of ALBERT CAMPBELL & CATHARINA VAN HOUTEN that I listed above. All the erroneous online trees I found blend the family of ALBERT CAMPBELL/CATHRINA VAN HOUTEN, with the family of ALBERT OLIVER CAMPBELL, Loyalist, who died in Canada.

4) ALBERT CAMPBELL of Orange/Rockland Co New York was named in the 1794 Orange/Rockland Co New York will of his father WILLIAM CAMPBELL II
The will was written Aug 12, 1794, and probated Jan 4, 1799 Clarkstown, Rockland Co New York. NOT ONLY WAS ALBERT CAMPBELL LISTED AS AN HEIR, HE WAS LISTED AS AN EXECUTOR!!!  (see next blog post for a scanned copy of original will). Clearly, ALBERT CAMPBELL was still alive at the time WILLIAM wrote his will, and was not a Loyalist living in Canada.

5) ALBERT CAMPBELL & his family are not listed in the 1800 Orange or Rockland Co New York census.  It is possible that ALBERT died by 1800. There is no will in Orange/Rockland Co New York, however. But what happened to his wife & children?  I only have been able to trace daughter GEERTJE "CHARITY" CAMPBELL who married ISAAC MARTINE, my great x 4 grandparents.

One more item:  ALBERT CAMPBELL's parents both had Dutch heritage, and the Dutch did not use middle names.  If anything, they would use a patronymic as a second name, and if they had done so  in this case ALBERT's name would have been "Albert Williams Campbell"  NOT "Albert Oliver Campbell".

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Andrew Davidson, Christina Davidson & John Carlson, and Anna Carlson: Sweden to Stanton, Nebraska

And here is the third of the three rescued antique photo albums (see post from 4/22/17).

There was very little information inside this album to help in my search for descendants.

The inscription from the front of the album says "Present to ANNIE CARLSON from her uncle ANDREW DAVIDSON, 1898".  Some of the photographs were taken in studios in Lehigh, Schulyer, Norfolk & Stanton, Nebraska. One of the photos shows a young man in a band uniform with his instrument wearing a pouch or satchel that says "The Stanton Band"!

Three carte de visite photos were taken 1883 in Sweden.

I started searching in the 1900 census in Stanton, Nebraska and hit the jackpot! ANDREW DAVIDSON & his two nieces AMELIE & ANNA CARLSON were living in the town of Butterfly in Stanton County in 1900. On same page, a few houses away,  ANDREW's brother OTTO DAVIDSON and sister CHRISTINA (DAVIDSON) CARLSON are listed

While I did not have the time to further trace these families in later census records, I did find ANDREW DAVIDSON on Find-a-Grave.

The entry indicates that ANDREW was born July 16, 1865 in Sweden, and died May 20, 1953 in Stanton, Nebraska; his sister was CHRISTINA DAVIDSON who married JOHN CARLSON (parents of ALBERT CARLSON, ELLEN CARLSON, ELMER CARLSON, AMELIE CARLSON & ANNA CARLSON in the census above). ANDREW had a brother OTTO DAVIDSON who also immigrated from Sweden in 1884.

ANDREW DAVIDSON, OTTO DAVIDSON, CHRISTINA DAVIDSON CARLSON & JOHN CARLSON, and their son ELMER CARLSON born 1897 Stanton, Nebraska,  are all buried in the Stanton cemetery.

The man in center portrait and bottom right is likely ANDREW DAVIDSON, and I suspect he is the seated man in the carte de visite upper right.  The dark haired man on left I was unable to identify. The three small carte de visite were taken in Sweden (Vimmerby, Stockholm & Halmstad) in 1883. ANDREW DAVIDSON & his brother OTTO DAVIDSON emigrated to the United States in 1884.

This is the first photograph in the album, and judging from the family resemblance to ANDREW, this lovely lady  is either CHRISTINA (DAVIDSON) CARLSON or her daughter ANNA CARLSON.

If you have any further information, please contact me.  I will be attempting to reunite these photos with descendants.

NOTE 4/5/17: This album has been reunited with descendants!  My work here is done!

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Family of David Bryden & Julia Ann Swallow of Ironton, Sauk Co Wisconsin and Redfield, South Dakota

And here is the second of the three antique photo albums that I recently rescued (see previous post).

This photo album is of the family of DAVID BRYDEN & JULIA ANN SWALLOW of Ironton, Sauk Co Wisconsin.  DAVID BRYDEN was an immigrant from Scotland. JULIA's family was from New York. The album apparently belonged to her. There are no other names or inscriptions in the album

There are over 60 portrait photographs & carte de visite in this photo album, which is remarkably well preserved.  The oldest photos appear to be from the 1860s or 1870s, the most recent from the 1900s. Some of the portraits & carte de visite were from studios in Scotland!

Here is the inscription from the inside cover

I believe the couple on right are DAVID BRYDEN Jr & EULALLA BLAKESEE, from photos that I found on Ancestry public trees.  The child is unidentified, but appears in several other portraits. The portraits were taken at a studio in Redfield, South Dakota.

I suspect this older couple might be DAVID BRYDEN Sr the immigrant and JULIA ANN SWALLOW.

I am in the process of contacting descendants of this family. If anyone has any further information, please contact me.

NOTE 5/4/17: I'm happy to report that this photo album was reunited with a descendant!

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Peterson Family of Xenia, Greene County Ohio

These are not my ancestors, but instead wonderful photos found in a disintegrating antique photo album that was donated to the thrift store where I volunteer (Soroptimist International of Anacortes).

This album plus two others were destined for the dumpster, but as a genealogist, I simply couldn't let that happen without attempting to find descendants to share them with!

The photos in this album are from late 1850s to early 1900s, mostly from a photography  studio in Xenia, Greene Co Ohio, a couple from Dayton, Ohio; two from Manchester, Iowa, and a few from Los Angeles.  All are from the same Peterson family.  There are over 30 photos, mostly unidentified.

I believe I have located a descendant on who has posted photos of JOHN NASH & ELIZABETH ANN PETERSON, below, and have attempted to contact them. If anyone has any further information, please contact me.
Alivia / Livia (Peterson) Leeds & husband (his first name not included)
Jacob L Peterson of Xenia, Greene Co Ohio (lithograph, signed)
Elizabeth Ann (Peterson) Nash & husband John Nash

NOTE 5/2/17: I'm happy to report that this album was reunited with a descendant!

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tracking Down a HOCKETT Adoption in Wisconsin

The family tree of the HOCKETT/STEINBACH/FRAZIER family of Wisconsin

2017 has brought many new genetic genealogy surprises!  Lots of people received testing kits from the three testing companies for Christmas, and now many are receiving their results and some are uploading  to, which helps immensely in the search for genealogical evidence & answers via DNA.

This past week, a match showed up on 23andMe in my DNA Relatives list at 3rd-4th cousin level, sharing 1.02% DNA over 4 segments; in my brother's list, the person was matching him at 2-3rd cousin level, 2.32% over 7 segments!

The first thing I did was compare my newly found 3rd cousin, whom I'll call MG, with all the members of my close paternal family who have tested with 23andMe. MG was a match for each & every one of them, on mostly the same chromosomal locations!  So she appeared to be related to my paternal HUBER family.   I checked this theory by comparing her with my known maternal relatives on 23andMe. She did not match any of them.

The next thing I did was to compare her against known relatives of my paternal great grandparents.  I am fortunate in that I now have many solid matches from the HUBER, FRAZIER, BRUTON & WHITECOTTON families in my father's lineage.

Very quickly, I eliminated HUBER, BRUTON & WHITECOTTON as possibilities. That left FRAZIER.  I have about 75  verified  matches to the Quaker FRAZIER family of my great grandmother, CRAMELIA FRAZIER HUBER. When I compared MG to my known FRAZIER relatives, she was a solid match to all of them on 23andMe!!

I contacted MG immediately, to ask if she had an online family tree that I might look at, and she informed me that she had been adopted in Wisconsin, and because the adoption papers were sealed, knew little about her birth parents.  The story she had been told was that her father  was married, but had carried on a long-term relationship with another woman in a different town, and had with her five children who were all placed for adoption in the late 1950s to early 1960s. Her birth mother's married name at the time was Beverly (Harrison) DeVoy; in 1991 she married Fred Hall. Beverly's mother was Shirley (Shaefer) Harrison, and her father was Raymond Harrison.

MG was born in Watertown, Wisconsin, and adopted in either Fort Atkinson or Madison, Wisconsin. Since most of the FRAZIER family lived in Iowa & Indiana, with some migrating to California, at first I wasn't sure which branch MG might be related to.

Going back to my 23andMe DNA Relatives list, I combed through, to see if I might find any more clues within the FRAZIER family.  I did.

One of my DNA Relatives on 23andMe was listed as MG's aunt!  

While I had never been in contact with MG's aunt on 23andMe, I was certainly aware of how she was related to the FRAZIER family, through a branch of the HOCKETT family: LINDEN FLOYD HOCKETT who married MABEL GRACE FRAZIER. MABEL was the daughter of JASPER NEWTON FRAZIER--the brother of my great grandmother CRAMELIA FRAZIER HUBER.

Fortunately, there is a large database for the all Quaker FRAZIER descendants on Rootsweb, which I have used many times before to help verify my FRAZIER DNA matches, so I went there to see if this HOCKETT/FRAZIER family had ever lived in Wisconsin.  They had.  According to census, they lived in Waukesha, Wisconsin from about 1930 onward.

Waukesha, Wisconsin is about 42 miles east of both Watertown and  Fort Atkinson--about a 45 minute drive.

The oldest son of LINDEN FLOYD HOCKETT & MABEL GRACE FRAZIER was NEIL JOSEPH HOCKETT Sr (died 1962) who married HELEN STEINBACH (died 1985).  MG's aunt was one of their daughters, so it would stand to reason that one of her brothers was MG's father.  The youngest son DENNIS HOCKETT was born 1945, so could not have been MG's father. But the two oldest sons, now deceased, were of the correct age to be her father:

NEIL JOSEPH "JACK" HOCKETT Jr born Feb 16, 1930 Waukesha, Wisconsin, died April 26, 2000 Merrill, Lincoln Co Wisconsin.

WILLIAM HOWARD HOCKETT born Jan 17, 1938 Waukesha, Wisconsin, died Sept 12, 2013 Lake Wales, Polk Co Florida.

Please! If anyone has any further information that could help MG find out which of these two men is her biological father, contact me via this blog. 

Have a great day!


© Betty Tartas  2017